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Our Team

We have a proven process that guides our efforts, and we are confident our work helps make a difference for our campaigns.

Image of Bryon Allen

Bryon Allen


Bryon manages WPA’s research and data science operations. When he is not in meetings or on conference calls, Bryon is an expert in multinomial choice models, partial and general equilibrium models, simulation programming and constrained optimization programming.

Prior to becoming part of WPA, Bryon was an academic microeconomist and econometrician, policy analyst, pollster, campaign hack and occasional ski bum.

Bryon is a tireless advocate for R and the joys of caret and ggplot2, though he is grudgingly becoming fluent in Python since all the smart people he hires prefer it. He is also starting to learn Julia just because it seems like the kind of hipster thing he would do.

If you don’t find him in D.C., you can probably find Bryon in Florida playing with his daughter or racing sail boats.